#035 The Connection to Our Wholeness is the Connection to Our Power with Ashleigh Sergeant

In this episode, I’m connecting with Ashleigh Sergeant, someone who I really admire for her depth, her knowledge, her authenticity, and her leadership. Ashleigh is one of those people that makes a huge impact in any situation she finds herself. Ashleigh worked for Adidas, and found herself in the role of Global Yoga Trainer; for Gaia.com, she was the Head of Yoga Content for their international media network, for Envision Festival in Costa Rica, she heads up Yoga & Movement for the entire seven-day event. Ashleigh is also the co-founder of Experience Alaya, an online global community focused on supporting others in meaningful connection. These are all things that Ashleigh has done (all bi-products of the vibrant and aligned leader that she is). But in this episode, Ashleigh will remind us that it’s not about what we achieve, it’s understanding that our power comes from knowing we are perfect, whole and complete, exactly as we are. I love Ashleigh’s heart and her honesty and I think you will to!

Photo by Melissa Robin

Photo by Melissa Robin

Show Notes:

  • (2:30) Ashley is quarantining at her home in Costa Rica (her and her partner built the home from a shipping container several years ago) 

  • (3:10) Ashely discusses what this time has brought up for her - stillness contrasting a “busy” lifestyle in which she travels a lot. She’s discovered this time as an opportunity to reflect on the way she lives her life and what she wants to change or expand upon

  • (5:17) “The Glorification of Busy”; Ashleigh discusses the way our society puts emphasis on doing over being. We’re always attempting to acquire MORE

  • (7:30) Ashleigh references “The Coronation,” a recent essay of Charles Eisenstein’s in which he puts eloquent words and observation while elaborating on various thought processes, beliefs and potential outcomes regarding the current pandemic. This is a recommended read for all in this time. Ashleigh explains her openness and desire to take in varios and differing perspectives, while cultivating discernment with all the information that’s swirling around us right now

  • (9:28) Ashleigh talks about how as people, we seek one answer or solution as the “end-all/be-all,” hoping that by answering that one thing, everything else will make sense or come together; we’re uncomfortable with “not knowing”

  • (11:15) Ashleigh expands further on the complex that humans feel to attain something or seek to achieve in order to be “enough” or “whole”; Garrett references the balance between “striving & arriving”

  • (13:00) A personal practice and understanding that has become imperative for Ashleigh is to recognize that she must take care of her vital resources, which she refers to as “Ojas”(the subtle essence of all vital fluids, responsible for health, harmony and spiritual growth); she explains the importance of nourishing the nervous system and resting well

  • (14:44) Ashleigh recommends these two main practices for relaxation & cellular regeneration:

    • 1) Contemplative Heart-Based Meditation

    • 2) Yoga Nidra;

    • both practices help us to get into a state between the Theta & Delta brainwaves (Delta waves are where the mind starts to calm; Theta waves are like dreamless sleep, where cellular regeneration occurs)

  • (16:34) Ashleigh explains how we get to the deep understanding of our wholeness; what it feels like to go inward & release expectations of the outside world

  • (18:33) Rather than just one time in the morning, Ashleigh shares the idea of doing shorter awareness cultivation practices throughout the day for greater efficacy; this has made the most profound, lasting change for her

  • (20:13) “The connection to our wholeness is the connection to our power”

  • (22:22) Ashleigh tells us about her “One Week Reset Bundle”

  • (24:19) “Overstory” by Richard Powers - Recommended by Ashleigh, and it’s about how we ignore the natural world and its interconnectedness

  • (26:35) Ashleigh explains how it’s so easy for us to point fingers at everything else while avoiding the reflection of our own actions

  • (27:38) Ashleigh explains how during these times she has tried to sit with the question of “where do I, and how have I contributed to the degradation of our planet? What am I not willing to give up?

  • (29:30) Ashleigh shares the idea of the spiritual ego, and how she wonders if her work balances out the amount of carbon emissions caused by her international travel, as well as if it’s just spiritual bypassing to say that what she is doing is okay

  • (31:40) Garrett shares his appreciation for Ashleigh’s honesty about having to look herself in the mirror when it comes to these topics; he brings up his recent episode with Rob Greenfield, where they discussed international travel and transitional ethics

  • (33:30) Ashleigh shares her experience working as the Head of Content and Yoga Programing for Gaia.com, and how she got into that role

  • (35:40) Ashleigh had the role of Global Yoga Trainer at Adidas and she explains how it taught her how to distill essential yoga concepts into accessible bits of knowledge. This was because she went to so many countries and dealt with so many languages that made her need to learn how to make it translate clearly

  • (38:00) Ashleigh got into yoga at a young age with her mother’s influence because she was born with some spinal defects and pain, and learned yoga to gain freedom from her pain. She explains how it also taught her freedom from emotional pain

  • (38:50) “Yoga isn’t about self improvement, It’s about self acceptance” Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

  • (40:10) “Yoga is not something that you can tell that someone is doing by looking at them...yoga is not a physical shape yoga is a state of awareness” - Ashleigh

  • (42:10) Ashleigh shares how she is becoming disenchanted with the idea of being called a “yoga teacher” and why

  • (42:45) Ashleigh talks about her online school/community, “Experience Alaya”- Alaya meaning “Unfolding of the Human Spirit,” which happens when we have a direct experience with a part of ourselves we didn’t know

  • (45:15) Ashleigh explains how the idea of helping people or changing people is something to tune into, to see if it’s coming from a place of lack or not being enough

  • (47:00) Garrett shares a story of his nickname “G-Link” and how he used to believe it was his purpose to help people, but realized that people can only help themselves, and therefore he is merely a link or part of their journey

  • (49:00) Ashleigh’s Three Truths:

    • 1) I am whole as I am - we all are; there is nothing we need to acquire to achieve wholeness or nothing we need to get rid of

    • 2) Life is what happens right here in front of me

    • 3) Presence heals (awareness heals)

  • (51:30) Ashleigh’s Links:

Photo by Melissa Robin

Photo by Melissa Robin

Connect with Ashleigh:

Website: www.ashleighsergeant.com
Online School: www.experiencealaya.com
Instagram: @ashleighsergeant
Free Bundle: One Week Reset


#034 This Too Shall Pass: Life Lessons, Creativity, & One Continuous Line with Daniel Dugan

This too shall pass! This sentiment seems to hold true in most situations and feels to collectively resonate with the current state that we all find ourselves in during COVID-19. The essence of this wisdom has been expressed in many different ways throughout history and across cultures; but today, you’ll hear how my next guest, Daniel Dugan, has deeply learned these lessons through the creation of his art. Daniel’s art is a meditative expression of “one continuous line” that never breaks, never crosses, and, for him, represents the flow of life. In this episode, we’ll hear how this line, (which Daniel has been drawing since he was 10 years old), has taught him that everything in life has a beginning and an end; that there will always be unexpected events and emotions that follow; that we cannot control our path; but rather surrender to it— to trust that everything in life is happening for our greatest good. Daniel’s art has been featured in “LA Times” and “LA Weekly,” and he has made commissions for collectors in China, Singapore, Mexico, and coast-to-coast in the US. Daniel is committed to making art for social impact, and has made works for The Bombay Beach Biennale, Phase One Foundation for cancer research, and First Responders First.

Daniel is a deep loving soul that helps remind us to follow our hearts and to trust the journey, no matter which direction it goes. I believe these lessons that Daniel downloaded through his art are timely and can be applied to all of our lives. Daniel’s constant curiosity for finding new, creative ways to push boundaries inspires me, and a great reminder to push my own. Check out this episode to find out more.

Click left and right to scroll through the pieces and experience the line <3

1) Buddha (Ksitigarbha) 2) Yes Infinity Lightbox 3)Diane von Furstenberg (Based on Francesco Scavullo's 1969 photo) 4) Wooden Skull 5) Stevie Wonder 6) Golden Road 7)Read My Mind
8)It Takes All Kinds (made in Cuba with kids)

Show Notes:

  • (3:30) Daniel explains how his art has been inspired by a line that he’s been creating since he was 10 years old; he would try to fill a page with one continuous line without crossing or breaking

  • (5:00) For Daniel, the line is an ongoing experiment to see it in different expressions (acrylic, oil, water color, LED, moss, wood, etc)

  • (5:20) Daniel shares what he has learned from creating the “line”—that everything has a beginning and an ending, and that’s the only thing we actually know

  • (6:50) Daniel describes how the line reminds him of surprises in life, including the current viral pandemic; he explains how we don’t have to like what’s going on, but we can learn from it

  • (8:10) “We get to have this moment, it’s not happening to us, it’s happening for us” -Daniel Dugan

  • (8:30) Garrett shares how he has been listening to a verse from the “Tao Te Ching” by Lao Tzu (from Wayne Dyer’s “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life”, and how the day they spoke it was a verse about “A Life of Constancy”, the ending of one thing is the beginning of a next thing

  • (10:00) Daniel tells the story of his transition to considering himself an artist, and how he saw similarities to his art on the coral reef while snorkeling in Honduras in 2015 

  • (12:00) He learned that coral grows these patterns in a natural way called “reaction diffusion” 

  • (13:30) After this trip, Daniel got a studio in Hollywood, and considered himself a full time artist

  • (16:15) Daniel shares how his natural curiosity of where his art and his line can go is what keeps him going - it’s his passion

  • (18:30) Garrett relates to the word “curiosity” and how it has come up recently in different scenarios, such as considering curiosity around emotional triggers

  • (20:45) Daniel explains how he has been conditioning himself through the “not knowing” that it has been helping him through these current times and others

  • (21:15) Garrett acknowledges the word that Daniel chose of “wonder”, and shares the idea that we get to decide our lens and if we chose “wonder” or “worry”

  • (22:45) Daniel tells the story of how the the inspiration and creation of one of his most meaningful pieces came about (“The Buddah”), and how the piece began by telling someone that he liked their jacket

  • (23:00) The book Daniel talks about is “When Things Fall Apart” (Pema Chodron)

  • (24:45) This lead to Daniel doing a commission of Diane von Furstenburg, the famous designer, and meeting with her in New York

  • (25:25) He later went to Shangai for Art Week, he ran into an acquaintance of the gentlemen with the jacket, went to dinner with her, and she requested to have him create the Buddah (Ksitigarbha)

  • (27:30) Daniel shares the story about how he was listening to a mantra of Ksitigarbha while he was creating the piece so he could do his best to fully embody his essence

  • (29:45) Because of Daniel’s piece, he has learned more and more about Ksitigarbha; it has brought up learning and teachings that he wouldn’t have received otherwise

  • (31:45) Daniel explains how he was experimenting and wanted to see how the line would look in letters, which eventually became his “YES” piece, and how it means to remember that in life: YES this is happening, YES this is life in this moment right now, YES these emotions are real and valuable (acceptance + surrender)

  • (34:00) Daniel shares how the lessons of his work often arrive after he creates them, once people ask him why he made it

  • (36:00) Daniel shares how his first commission showed him that he could really make a living being a artist 

  • (40:30) During quarantine, Daniel has continued to experiment with the line and he tells the story about doing his first piece on a lawn with a mower, and ended up creating a life-size labyrinth 

  • (41:00) Daniel explains the difference between a maze and a labyrinth- in both there is a beginning and an ending, but with a labyrinth you cannot get lost 

  • (42:00) Garrett shares a lesson he learned from Mike Dooley about an analogy of manifesting things in your life and a car GPS system. When you go somewhere you’ve never gone or when you manifest something you’ve never had, you need to set your intention, trust the process, and know that you’re going to get there. With a GPS system you put in the location of the place you want to go and you don’t question the directions, you just trust. 

  • (44:00) Daniel’s three truths:

    • 1) Be kind to people (especially people you don’t know)

    • 2) The constant exploration of art and pursuit of being okay with not knowing

    • 3) This will all end and turn into something else (relax on your path)

  • (46:10) IG: @danielduganart / www.danielduganart.com

Photos by Daniella Midenge.

Connect with Daniel:

Website: www.danielduganart.com
Instagram: @danielduganart


#033 Life By Design: Community, Permaculture, and Redesigning Our World with Stephen Brooks

When you hear the word “DESIGN”, what comes to your mind? Is it architecture? Clothing? Home interior design? It’s an interesting point to ponder, as our next guest inspires us to think outside of the box and start thinking about creating a life by design.

Today we’re connecting with Stephen Brooks, a visionary and community builder, who spreads love and shares knowledge all over the world; teaching thousands of people how to design the life and community of their dreams and helping them create it. Stephen is one of those people that everyone knows because of his kind heart, charismatic personality, and ability to execute on his vision. His name seems to pop up everywhere I go. He is the founder of Punta Mona, an off-grid permaculture farm and educational retreat center in Costa Rica, the co-founder of Envision Festival, a place [that we all know] I love, and the founder of two eco villages, La Ecovila and Alegria Village; and these are all among many other projects he’s played a role in around the world.

In this episode, we’ll hear about Stephen’s upbringing, where he discovered community, and how he went from the suburbs of Florida to living off-the-grid in the jungles of Costa Rica.

This is the video Rob Greenfield created about Stephen.

Show Notes:

  • (3:15) We open with Stephen sharing what has been coming up for him during these times of COVID-19. He explains how he has enjoyed the downtime at his eco community La Ecovilla (with 45 families from 22 countries)

  • (5:05) Stephen shares his view on the regenerative communities and intentional communities, and how he believes La Ecovilla is more of an “Eco-neighborhood”, where a intentional community is brought together by a group of people that decide the values together

  • (5:55) Stephen explains how he designs the life he wants with specifics, such as the desire and to grow his own food, find a way to use recycled plastics to pave the road, and the freedom to swim naked in a private river, just minutes from the house

  • (8:00) Taco Tal is a community that Stephen started with friends that he would more-so consider an intentional community 

  • (10:00) Garrett brings up transitional ethics which he learned from Rob Greenfield, a good friend of Stephen’s (learn more about Rob Greenfield in episode #030)

  • (11:00) Stephen brings up his childhood, growing up in the suburbs of Miami, and how his upbringing still included a lot of nature, animals, and travel

  • (11:50) Stephen shares the experience of his first Grateful Dead concert and explains how good that community felt

  • (13:20) Stephen shares how his best friend’s death from a car accident completely shifted and changed his life

  • (14:10) Stephen recalls studying abroad in Spain, its community and the ways it was designed. He loved that everything he ever needed was either in his building or on his block, and this convenience and ability got him thinking more intricately about intentional design

  • (15:30) Stephen made his first trip to Costa Rica and had his life rocked when he saw a group of indigenous children get crop dusted with pesticides from a Chiquita Banana airplane

  • (18:00) After seeing this, Stephen decided to start an educational travel company to bring high school and college kids from the states to Costa Rica. He wanted to show them many things- the beauty, the culture, the reality of the rainforest destruction, but also show that there were actionable solutions

  • (21:30) Stephen says that if he was going to take any title, it would be an Ethnobotanist, which is “the study of the relationship between humans and plants”

  • (23:00) Garrett talks about his experience at Stephen’s educational center Punta Mona, and how this/Stephen taught him to have more gratitude for the process of how his food is produced and served

  • (24:30) Stephen shares the story of how he found Punta Mona while fishing with his father off the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica

  • (26:40) Stephen talks about meeting his friend and neighbor Patty, and their first discussion about having kids camp on his land

  • (28:35) Stephen recalls an impactful moment, the day Patty gave him a matchbox with a note in it (the note containing his neighbors’ name & number that would give him access to initiate the property purchase)

  • (31:15) Stephen shares some of the highlights when the business began to prosper—he would be running around paying people with wads of cash and finding clever ways to support the local community

  • (34:30) “We’re all seeing different parts of the same movie”

  • (36:30) Stephen talks about a TV show that he hosted called “Edible Adventures

  • (38:45) Stephen talks about buying 170 acres 2 years ago to start Alegria Village, which has plans to have more families and an elder village

  • (40:45) Garrett shares the condensed version of his story from episode #010 and how he synchronistically met Stephen at Oregon Eclipse

  • (43:00) “There is a fine line between a visionary and a liar” - Stephen Brooks

  • (43:30) Stephen shares his idea to change the world 1001 hectors at a time, by design.

  • (46:00) He wants to make this community affordable for everyone

  • (47:25) Stephen’s 3 truths:

    • 1) Be conscious and careful of who you partner with (marriage, business, land)

    • 2) Find the balance of doing and being

    • 3) Increase the percentage of first and last names you know of the people producing your food

  • (48:45) IGs: @stephenbrooks @alegriavillage @puntamona


Connect with Stephen:

Instagram: @stephenbrooks
Punta Mona: www.puntamona.org
Alegria Village: www.alegriavillage.com
Envision Festival: www.envisionfestival.com
La Ecovilla: www.laecovilla.com

#032 Thoughts from Quarantine with Sarafeen

In this epsiode, I'm sitting down with my partner Sarafina, and we're checking in on some of the things that have been coming up for us during this interesting time of "social distancing" and quarantining due to COVID-19. We share some insight into what we've been learning through this process and what's been helping us through this pandemic and time of great change. 


Connect with Garrett and Sarafina:

Garrett’s Instagram: @g__link

Sarafina’s Instagram: @sarafina_xox

#031 All Aboard The Vision Train: Painting our Reality into Existence with Amanda Sage

We’re in some interesting times right now... In my heart, I trust we are all receiving exactly what we need, even if it’s difficult to see in this moment. For me, what comes up is gratitude— gratitude for everything in my life that I was taking for granted; gratitude for the world to have this time to slow down and reflect on what is actually important; gratitude for all the things that are coming to light around the world from this whole situation; and, gratitude for the changes that will occur from all of this. It also makes me very grateful for my next guest, Amanda Sage. I believe her words and her vision are so needed and timely right now. Amanda is a world renowned visionary artist who lights up the world with her paintbrush and her heart. With each stroke of the brush, she paints the world she wants to see into existence and inspires others to think and dream beyond their immediate capacity.

In this episode, you’ll have an opportunity to learn about the incredible woman behind the evolutionary works of art, her roots and intentions, and her breakthroughs and inspirations. We’ll also share the Vision Train, Amanda’s project that asks people to draw and write out the ideal world they wish to see. In this time of rest and reflection, it’s a great moment to envision the world we wish to create, and Amanda’s work invokes the question: how can I contribute to get us there?

Amanda is the co-founder of Vienna Academy of Visionary Art in Austria and is on the Board of Directors for CoSM (Chapel of Sacred Mirrors), Alex and Allyson Grey’s art sanctuary in New York. I’m really excited to share this conversation with Amanda, which took place just a few weeks ago, (before all the COVID-19 madness escalated); I believe her message brings light to the situation we’re all in now. I really hope you enjoy!

Amanda Sage Notes:

  • (4:05) Garrett and Amanda Sage share their love for a mutual friend Cheri Rae Russell, whom they agree helped to change both of their lives

  • (5:10) Amanda recounts her first journey to Burning Man in 2009

  • (8:45) Amanda talks about her first time going to Los Angeles and meeting her friend Cheri, an almost psychedelic feeling in which she felt like she met herself

  • (11:25) Amanda explains the story of how she ended up moving to Los Angeles

  • (14:25) Amanda shares about her community in Los Angeles and her friend Shabnam Q that creates all of the Amanda Sage Collection, consisting of a beautiful clothing line that features Amanda’s art

  • (16:50) Amanda describes the ripples in her artwork, and her first experience with DMT, where she was shown a language of life and energy

  • (19:05) Amanda explains how she has learned from her paintings to show up, leave her expectations at the door, and be of service

  • (20:25) Garrett shares his realization between the practical and intuitive route

  • (22:55) Amanda shares her intentions to be of service and to create beauty, and to create love that opens people’s minds. To remind people that they are perfect and unique

  • (28:35) Amanda talks about the force of energy that is connecting and disconnecting us through technology, but awakening more and more people everyday

  • (30:30) The Four Questions of Self Remembering (she learned from her partner Joe Bob);

    • 1) What am I?

    • 2) Where am I?

    • 3) What is going on?

    • 4) What can I do?

  • (33:15) Intuition, “when you don’t know how you know, but you know you know, and you know you knew, and that’s all you needed to know.” Garrett saw this on a meme

  • (33:40) Amanda shares her view on the intuitive nature of painting, and getting ourselves out of the way

  • (36:25) She discusses looking at things to value them rather than judging

  • (38:25) Amanda shares how art was such a big part of growing up with her parents in home school and attending Waldorf Schools 

  • (40:45) Amanda recounts one of her first breakthroughs with art when she was 14 years old and the time her high school teacher first put acrylics in her hand

  • (42:15) In 5th grade Amanda shares how she saw Bob Ross paint a flower and she first realized how she could paint on top of what was already painted

  • (43:10) Amanda talks about the Mischtechnik technique used by Hieronymus Bosch and how it has influenced her painting

  • (44:40) Amanda shares her history working with her painting mentor Ernst Funst for 10 years of her life, after giving “2 years of her life” to his son Michael Funst as his apprentice

  • (46:55) Mark Henson - New Pioneers - How his art influences and inspires her art to draw the world we want to live in 

  • (47:55) Amanda shares how Jim Shannon has been one of her greatest inspirations, just knowing that people like him are living.

  • (51:25) Amanda shares her project called the Vision Train, where people around the world draw the vision of the world they want to see and how they will be of service to humanity (DOWNLOAD a print of a vision train car here)

  • (56:45) Amanda shares one of the most memorable train pieces she received was a child writing/drawing ‘Water is Life”

  • (58:55) Amanda wants to eventually see these visions come to fruition and travel the world in trains bringing knowledge and art around the world.

  • (59:55) Punta Mona & Peace Yoga Gallery - Vision Train Stations

  • (106:25) Amanda shares about her contribution to the new Meow Wolf Las Vegas

  • (106:40) Amanda’s upcoming show at the Mesa Arts Center with Alex and Allison Gray in September

Download your train car and create your Vision Train here: www.visiontrain.org

AS portrait_2018.jpg

Connect with Amanda:

Website: AmandaSage.com
Vision Train: VisionTrain.org
Instagram: @AmandaSageArt
Facebook: Amanda Sage
Wearable Art: Amanda Sage Collection

#030 Aligning Actions with Beliefs: Dumpster Diving, Foraging, and Radical Activism with Rob Greenfield

If you had to guess how many possessions you had to your name, including all your clothes, gadgets, utensils,  vehicles, dishes, etc. do you think you could put a number to the total? And if so, do you think that number could be under 50 total items? It might sound nearly impossible, especially in the fast-moving, consumer-driven society that many of us were brought up in and are still participating; however, that brings me to my excitement in sharing this conversation with Rob Greenfield—an American adventurer, environmental activist, a humanitarian, and a person who that has managed to figure out how to make a big difference and live owning a grand total of only 44 possessions. 

Rob has made it his life’s purpose to live in harmony with the earth and create positive change, a more sustainable world, and inspire others to do the same with his radical-attention-grabbing activism— imagine dumpster diving for food to display how much is thrown away in America, traveling moneyless through foreign countries to show human compassion and that the world isn’t a scary place, donating your income, or dwindling down your net worth to focus less on money and more on presence— these are just a few things that Rob has done to live a life of simplicity and of purpose.

I really respect Rob’s courage and how he sought out to align his actions with his beliefs and truly “be the change he wishes to see in the world.” I’m inspired by the creativity he brings to spreading awareness and living in such simplicity and in pure presence. Rob’s life and documentaries have caught the attention of the world and he has been featured on thousands of media outlets including National Geographic, BBC, Discovery Channel, USA Today, LA Times, Huffington Post, and many others. Rob and I were able to connect during Envision Festival in Costa Rica. I’m honored to be sharing a little piece of Rob’s intentional life with you from this land that is so alive and from a festival that’s ethos are driven by eco initiatives, sustainability and education. I think we can all agree that the earth needs more of all of that- please enjoy!


Show Notes:

  • (4:10) Rob explains how he went from living a “typical American life” to transitioning into a lifestyle of environmental activism

  • (6:25) Rob talks of “being the change he wanted to see in the world” and using activism that was interesting + had the ability to catch the eye of mainstream media

  • (7:25) Rob shares his trip across the United States on a bamboo bicycle

  • (7:30) By dumpster diving into thousands of dumpsters, Rob exhibits the amount of food wasted in America 

  • (7:45) There’s a lot of fear & misconceptions about traveling to other countries, so to put these to the test, Rob was dropped off in Panama with no money, and set out to make it safely back home by way of seven countries, completely penniless 

  • (8:00) “Trash Me” was a documentary that Rob created, for which he consumed and shopped like the average American, but the catch was that he had to wear every single piece of trash he created from consuming, on his body 

  • (9:25) Rob explains the importance of being a present human for himself and for the world

  • (10:10) Rob explains what can happen when you get back to the basics

  • (10:55) Rob has stripped down his life to the basics to make life simple and to “not cause harm to the planet.” He lists off a few of his personal possessions (currently having only 44 possessions to his name). He explains how he accomplishes a few things:

    • “Simplifying- so I understand my actions”

    • “Presentness- by stripping my life to the ultimate basics, I am present wherever I am in the world”

    • “Non-Materialism”

    • “Non-Ownership”

  • (12:20) Rob shares the idea that he is not radically independent of society, rather, he’s radically dependent on society

  • (13:30) Rob gives 100% of his media income to environmental non-profits, and has committed to living below the federal poverty threshold

  • (14:48) Alicia Serratos - Seed Box @Alicia.Serratos
    Donate to 3 Sisters Seed Box at:


  • (18:10) Rob explains his ideas on transitional ethics and how things are never black and white. You can’t always do the right thing + change the system all at the same time

  • (23:10) Rob further discusses transitional ethics with his need to fly across the world as a speaker. He offsets flying by helping people with clean water solutions in places where they wold need to deforest and burn wood to do so, normally 

  • (24:40) Rob tells us how he releases his need to be right

  • (28:35) Rob provides tips to get started on taking action on your alignment:

    1. Do something

  • You can’t be anyone else, you can only be yourself

  • You can’t be anywhere else, you can only be where you are

  • You can’t be in another time

  • Embrace, who you are, where you are, and the time you’re in and make change now

2. Start small - make small goals

3. Let your goals connect to each other and add up to help you become empowered

4. Focus on what you love”

I highly recommend checking out Rob’s YouTube Channel to see what he’s up to: Rob Greenfield . Thank you for all you do Rob!


Connect with Rob:

Website: www.robgreenfield.tv
YouTube: Rob Greenfield
IG: @robjgreenfield
Facebook: Rob Greenfield
Twitter: @RobJGreenfield

#029 Seedpod-cast: A Playful Conversation with Gary Underpants

Catching up with my friend Adam James, aka "Gary Underpants"; you may remember our "Creativity & Vulnerability" discussion from Episode 3. This time we're coming to you from onsite of Envision Festival in Costa Rica, while floating upon a "pool" of giant seedpod "beans" next to the vibey Lapa stage (just to paint a little picture). In this episode, we'll talk about what brought Gary to Envision, as well as some of the magical things we're delving into such as- an amazing partner dancing immersion with Xandy Liberto, role playing, alter egos, and of course, PLAY; something we'd call "Gary Underpants'" specialty.  


Connect with Adam James:

Instagram: @theadamjamesexperience @garyunderpants
Soundcloud: Check out his new song: “Into the Mystic
YouTube: Check out these pipes and his vibe <3

#028 Healing Through Psychedelics with Mareesa Stertz

What comes up for you when I say the word “psychedelics”? 

Maybe your mind flashes to tie-dye, free-love and the hippie movement of the 60’s; maybe you giggle and picture the swirling carpet & creatures of Johnny Depp’s “Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas” hotel check-in scene; maybe you trail off into a memory of a fun, trippy day from your past, or perhaps your head fills with thoughts, judgements or stigmas surrounding the topic? 

In this episode, we’re diving in with Mareesa Stertz, a filmmaker, community organizer, and a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher on a journey of her own personal healing, and on a mission to destigmatize these alternative forms of medicine. 

Mareesa produces and hosts a documentary series called The Healing Powers (of Psychedelics and Other Mindful Practices), where she travels the world and shares her healing experiences with these psychoactive plants. The show is currently streaming on Gaia TV - if you want to check it out.

I don’t promote the use of psychedelics to anyone, but I do strongly believe that everyone needs to have accessible information and guilt-free conversations around options to help themselves heal. 

We’re in a very interesting time during which certain things like marijuana, psilocybin mushrooms, and other alternative and plant-based medicines are becoming decriminalized in some areas.

Extensive research has shown and continues to explore and share ways that psychedelic treatment helps people to heal from anxiety, trauma, and PTSD with these options; and Mareesa is confidently and courageously sharing her personal journey of healing and consciousness expansion with us. 

This is a super fun and interesting episode with a deep, loving soul. I really enjoyed getting to know Mareesa- I hope you enjoy it as well!


Connect with Mareesa:

Website: www.theHealingPowers.com
Gaia TV:
The Healing Powers

#027 Doing The Things That Bring Us Joy

Is there something that you absolutely love to do, but haven’t found the time recently? In this episode, we’ll discuss doing the things that bring us joy, and pushing our comfort zones to try out brand new experiences. A fun update from where the jungle meets the sea.

Show Notes:
0:30- By Any Means Necessary BAMN: Samuel Vasquez
7:30- Rufus du Sol
9:00- Amber Ryan
9:50- Amanda Sage
10:45- Rob Greenfield
13:40- Paul Stamets
15:30- Cristi Christensen
15:45- Melissa Louise
18:45- Innercise by John Assaraf


Connect with Garrett:

Instagram: g__link
iTunes: Intentional & Unconventional
YouTube: G-Link

#026 Van Life: Learning to Laugh Through Life's Surprises with MeowTea

Have you ever heard about those people who pack up everything they own into a van and just go? There’s always something so intriguing about the idea, but yet, not many actually take the leap of faith. In this episode, we're connecting with MeowTea, my new friend and neighbor in our little temporary village in Costa Rica. He left Canada over 1.5 years ago, in his self-converted Sprinter van named "Surprise". MeowTea is an amazing artist, an adventurer, and a beautiful human who lives from his heart. Check this episode out to learn how his heart lead him on a solo journey to push his comfort zones and dig deeper within himself.

Screen Shot 2020-01-28 at 12.25.13 AM.png

Connect with MeowTea:

Instagram: meowttea
Documentary : The Choice

#025 A Day in a Temporary Village

In this episode, I'll share what a day is like living in a temporary jungle village in Costa Rica. I have moved from the retreat center up on the hill to the site of Envision Festival- where the jungle meets the beach. This village is being built to house somewhere 6000 people from all over the world, seeking to connect with the 7 Pillars of Envision: Sustainability, Music, Spirituality, Movement, Health, Art, and Education.

The stage design by Natalia Giacomini “Nati” and her team in 2019. Photo by Eric Allen

The stage design by Natalia Giacomini “Nati” and her team in 2019. Photo by Eric Allen

#024 Finding Flow in Costa Rica


Is it something that I find?

Is it something that I go with?

Or is it something in my mind?


Is it a state of being? Can I be in flow?

Because my mind tells me to stay

But my heart tells me to go


So what's the balance? How do I decide?

Is it my heart? My gut? My Logic? T

To which do I abide?


I was taught to be practical Trusting what my eyes can see

Now I trust my intuition, my love, a feeling

The essence that is me


So could that be the secret to what we call flow?

Trust in myself and let the rest go


I'll write down my thoughts, my feelings and what I intend

Always stay open and able to bend

And know that the universe will conspire to send

All that I ask for in the end


And as I do this, the next thing I know

I do not find it, I become flow

Garrett Brill


Connect with Garrett:

Instagram: g__link

Website: Intentional and Unconventional

YouTube: G-Link

#023 Cultivating Peace Through Our Connection to Mother Earth with Ingrid Brill

Whenever people find out that my sister is in East Africa, everyone wants to know how she ended up so far from home, and what the heck she’s doing there. There’s a long answer and a simple answer: simply, her heart and her intuition lead her there; as for the long answer— we’ll get more into that in this podcast. 

Ingrid has always inspired me by being someone who goes after + gets everything she puts her mind to. She has lived in East Africa on and off for over nine years, managing off grid solar projects funded by the European Union Development Fund, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the World Bank, to name a few. Mixed in with the near-decade she’s spent inhabiting various spaces and environments within Mama Africa’s rich and diverse land, Ingrid’s intermittent stays in the US consisted of getting her Masters in Sustainable Development from the University of California, and helping Tesla launch their Solar Roofs initiative as their Program Manager upon finishing school. Every time I start telling people about my sister, I usually stop in my explanation and say, “Yeah… she’s basically a badass,” because she is, in fact, an earth-lovin’-sun-worshipin’-astro-eco-yogi badass (among other things).

In this episode, we’ll get into a lot of the “whys” and “hows” of Ingrid’s life experiences, and learn more about her new project Gaia Goals, where she brings her two passions together; mindfulness and sustainability. More than anything, Ingrid will remind us to follow our hearts, and to love and care for Mother Earth with compassion, because “Mama Gaia” is a living being who offers us so much, let alone, a home in the ever-expanding universe.  

We will also talk a little bit about her upcoming “Bhakti Safari” offering, which we didn’t get much into, so I’ll just say that if you ever wanted to go on safari in Africa and you enjoy (or want to get into) yoga - her offering on this ten day Africa/yoga/safari experience is absolutely amazing! Think nature/safari paradise + pristine/beach/yoga retreat, while connecting with like-minded people at dope eco-lodges that my sister hand-picked, with her continued guidance (she’s fluent in the local language of Swahili and knows the area well); AND- on top of all of that- worked her magic to lock down insane local prices. So, that said— if you ever fantasized about laying on the dreamy beaches and turquoise waters of Zanzibar, seeing the wildest of animals in their natural environment, stretching your limbs among Mama Africa’s cradle, and connecting deeply to the land, this could be your greatest opportunity!

To wrap this up, I feel super fortunate to have been able to visit my sister in Tanzania over the holidays and get a little taste of her life and impact out there. On the second to last morning of our trip, which was also the only morning the elusive Kilimanjaro made itself visible through the clouds, I made sure to sit down with Ingrid and record this memorable podcast with her. I hope you enjoy!


Show Notes:

  • (1:45) Ingrid explains what she has been doing in East Africa for the past 9 years and gives a little overview of the sustainability projects she has worked on

  • (4:00) Ingrid shares how she ended up in Tanzania working on sustainability projects, and how it was all sparked from a conversation with a new friend, Rachel, on a hot springs camping trip 

  • (6:00) We hear Ingrid’s story of traveling through 7 countries in Africa to eventually fall in love with Tanzania (she met a woman at a bar and connected her to the leader of a solar energy project, and she’s been working in renewables ever since)

  • (8:50) Ingrid and Garrett discuss vision boards and how they have been helpful to their manifestations

  • (10:00) Ph0ebe Robinson of “2 Dope Queens

  • (10:20) Ingrid talks about her newest personal project Gaia Goals, and her intention to reconnect with mother earth through mindfulness and sustainability 

  • (12:30) Ingrid explains how her yoga teacher training is a base foundation to allow herself and others to share their healing practices

  • (13:45) Ingrid shares her upcoming retreat “Bhakti Safari”- An eco-luxury yoga + kirtan safari in Tanzania, Africa in late October 2020

  • (15:30) Garrett shares a mediation that he did while at Materuni Waterfalls. Breathing in the oxygen from plants and thanking them, and exhaling carbon dioxide for them. Feeling connected to nature and part of the ecosystem.

  • (18:00) Ingrid shares how her mindfulness practices connect her more deeply to her work

  • (18:21) Ingrid’s teachers: Kaypacha (Tom Lesher)- Evolutionary Astrology, Liya Garber- Kundalini Yoga, Marina Guastuchi- Yoga.

  • (21:30) Ingrid shares why she is so passionate about sustainability. She asks the question that she has asked herself; we are powering everything on death- what if we powered everything on life force energy?

  • (23:15) Tesla Solar Roof project/ Solar Glass

  • (24:50) Ingrid shares one of her favorite stories of impact while in Africa which enabled a woman to light up her business, stay safe, be more profitable, and put her kids through school

  • (29:00) Ingrid shares how she believes one can live a life of intention; Any ritual for your spiritual practice

    • Take a cold shower or even a hot one with a splash of cold water before you get out, which will help you take a deep breath 

    • Just press play: play a beautiful song to start your day (from here teacher Liya)

    • Buy an office plant or step outside to enjoy the plants (from here teacher Liya)

  • (31:15) Ingrid’s three truths:

    • 1) The earth is a living being

    • 2) We are souls incarnating for a human experience

    • 3) Mother Earth gives to us unconditionally- how can we  remember to be grateful to her?

  • (33:30) Ingrid sings some beautiful mantras for us


Connect with Ingrid Brill:

Instagram: Gaia Goals

Check out the Safari: Bhakti Safari

2020 Vision: 20 Things to Bring Into the New Year

What mindsets have been serving your growth and “greatest good” in the past decade? What habits have been helping you thrive? What friendships, relationships, mentors, teachers, figures and people have inspired and encouraged you to be the best YOU?

We are coming up on a new year and a new decade and it’s time to fully step into our power individually and as a collective. An ending and a beginning like this offers us a great opportunity to reflect. These are potent times and we feel it is truly in the best interest of humanity to step up our game in helping one another, doing good for our planet, and creating the visions we dream are possible, while understanding that the future and responsibility to upgrade our vibrations is in our hands.

In the last episode, my partner Sarafina and I discussed 20 Things to Leave Behind in 2019 to have a clear “2020 Vision”. In this episode, we’ll share 20 things we aim to bring into this new year, new decade, and new paradigm to be our best versions and support the collective.

Here’s what we’ll discuss in this episode and what we plan to bring into the new year:

  1. Gratitude (2:45)

  2. Play (4:40)

  3. Wonder (and an open mind) (6:00)

  4. Creativity (7:10)

  5. Compassion (8:45)

  6. Courage (10:35)

  7. Meditation/Mindfullness (11:30)

  8. Movement (12:50)

  9. Listening (14:15)

  10. Nature (16:45)

  11. Your Magic (your gift to the world) (18:30)

  12. Healthy Boundaries (19:35)

  13. Community (23:22)

  14. Authenticity (25:20)

  15. Trust The Process and The Universe (26:40)

  16. Discernment (Trusting Your Intuition) (27:40)

  17. Cooperation (29:45)

  18. Something New (Hobby, Habit, Perspective) (31:15)

  19. More of whatever brings you joy (32:15)

  20. Love (33:15)

(This is Part 2 of a two part series, check out episode #021 to find out what we’re leaving in 2019!)

We had a ton of fun creating these two episodes and hope they serve you (or at least entertain you). We would love to hear what your intentions are for 2020 and beyond. PLEASE REACH OUT AND LET US KNOW ! <3

We wish you all a new decade filled with an abundance of love, peace, and all kinds of things on this list and your own!


Garrett & Sarafina


Connect with Garrett and Sarafina:

Garrett’s Instagram: @g__link

Sarafina’s Instagram: @sarafina_xox

2020 Vision: 20 Things to Leave Behind in 2019

As this decade comes to a close and we bring in the “Soaring 20s”, my partner Sarafina and I have been doing some reflecting. I’m very big on releasing the past and staying present in the moment, but have found that healthy reflection can be a great exercise to have gratitude for how far we’ve come and to appreciate all of life’s lessons and experiences— both the “positive” and seemingly “negative”. Sarafina and I had discussed the idea of wanting to start this new year, 2020, with a clear 20/20 vision, so that we may truly become our greatest versions this next decade; and fully step into our individual powers so that we may contribute more greatly to the collective.

We started writing things down and thinking deeply about our intentions. While hashing it out, we quickly realized that in order to have this clear vision, there were some things that we would like to bring with us, and some things that we could benefit greatly by letting go of and leaving in 2019. What limiting beliefs are we holding onto? What mindsets are serving us? Who feeds our soul and who sucks our energy? What brings us joy and what does not?

In this two part series, Sarafina and I will share how we plan to keep our “2020 Vision” with a list of 20 things that we plan to leave in 2019, and 20 things that we’ll bring with us into this new year, new decade, and new paradigm.

Here’s what we discuss in this episode and we’re intending to leave behind:

  1. What “other people” think & “shoulds” - (2:00)

  2. Any thoughts of not being enough (3:10)

  3. Resentments (4:25)

  4. People who bring us down (5:15)

  5. Worry (7:15)

  6. Low vibrational and highly processed foods (8:08)

  7. Giving into Resistance & its control (9:45)

  8. Guilt (11:45)

  9. The need to be right (13:25)

  10. Bad habits (15:00)

  11. Things that don’t align (17:00)

  12. A mindset of scarcity (18:50)

  13. Judging others (19:48)

  14. Digital distractions (22:38)

  15. Comparison (25:00)

  16. Unconscious business practices (26:18)

  17. Being too hard on ourselves (29:13)

  18. Single-use plastics (30:30)

  19. Attachment to personal history/”stories” (32:50)

  20. Anything that no longer serves our greatest good (35:24)

We really enjoyed creating this list and had a lot of fun recording our little #2020VisionSeries. We hope you enjoy this episode as well and would love to know what you plan to leave in 2019 + bring into 2020!

Make sure to check back next week to find out the 20 things that we’re bringing into the new year and decade to come!


Garrett and Sarafina <3


Connect with Garrett and Sarafina:

Garrett’s Instagram: @g__link

Sarafina’s Instagram: @sarafina_xox

#020 Being a Force for Good with Michele Woodward

When in doubt, when you feel stuck, and when you do not know exactly what to do next- be a force for good! In this episode, we’re connecting with Michele Woodward, who will share why she believes that we are all here to be a force for good and how we will find meaning in how we decide to do so. Michele is a Master Certified coach who has been coaching executives for over 14 years all over the US and the world, from Japan to Australia to Latin America and Europe. She has also trained and mentored hundreds of coaches throughout the years and is considered a “coach’s coach”. A former Reagan White House Official, she works with senior leaders who want to be more effective, grow their strategic vision, and expand their leadership skills. As the year is coming to an end, I thought it would be great to connect with my cousin Michele to discuss how to get the most out of the upcoming year, how to lookout for any roadblocks we might have, and how to strengthen our vision for 2020.

Show Notes:

  • (02:08) Michele explains that the core of goal setting comes down to consciously asking yourself:

    • What have you been doing?

    • What worked?

    • What didn’t work?

    • Doing more of what you like and less of what you don’t like (even if you’re good at it)

  • (04:53) Michele discusses limiting beliefs and how they can come up for different people

    • (5:58) Michele recalls Byron Katie’s questions for limiting beliefs (www.thework.com)

      • 1) Is it true?

      • 2) Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

      • 3) How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?

      • 4) Who would you be without that thought?

    • (7:58) Dr. Terry Real’s words; “You can be right or you can be in relationship”

  • (8:28) Michele shares that the way to stay on top of your New Year’s resolutions is to find out the WHY behind them

    • It’s okay to halt a resolution if it no longer serves you and don’t beat yourself up about them if or when you fall off

    • We learn about an idea from Seth Godin: Winners aren’t always people who don’t quit, they are people who know when to quit and move forward

  • (13:13)Michele invites us to be generous with ourselves, as we would be with our closest friend

  • (14:28)Michele talks about some of the cool things that have happened since she’s taken her path as a coach

    • She explains how she feels at her “highest and greatest good” when she’s partnering with her clients and walking with them through their difficulties

  • (19:08) Michele discusses Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

    • Michelle had a note on her desk from an earlier call describing the four things that she thinks successful people need to have:

      1. 1) The need to know they “why” for every task we take on and for every task we assign

      2. 2) Communicate clearly and well

      3. 3) Have a solid knowledge of EQ

      4. 4) Know how to negotiate  

    • (20:28)EQI Assessment

  • (22:58) Michele shares her theory & the reason she feels that we’re all here, to be a force for good

    • We find meaning in the way we decide to do good

  • (25:38) Michele talks about her friend Jennifer Louden’s “Conditions of Enoughness” and the power of thinking big

  • (28:08) Michele shares her tools for planning with us:

  • Michelle’s Three Truths

    • 1) We can choose to be good (be a force for good)

    • 2) People are generally kind and they want to help

    • 3) The universe is bent towards goodness


Connect with Michele:

Website: www.michelewoodward.com

Facebook: Michele Woodward

LinkedIn: Michele Woodward

Access Michele’s Free Planning Tools:

#019 Impacting Over a Million Lives and Making a DIFFerence with Chad Dime

When I say the word- “millionaire” what pops into your head? What usually comes up is someone who personally has a net worth of $1 million. I would like to start thinking about and striving for a new type of millionaire; someone who has positively and directly impacted over a million lives. Today, I’m connecting with my good friend Chad Dime, someone who is one of these “new millionaires” that I’m talking about. Chad is the Co-Founder of DIFF Eyewear, a charitable eyewear company that has helped with the eyesight and vision care of over one million people in need. They do this by providing a pair of reading glasses or an eye exam for every pair of glasses they sell, among other amazing initiatives that the company has created (which you’ll hear more about in this episode). Chad is a great reminder that good things happen with the right intentions and not to overthink the process- simply BEGIN, and go all-in on what you believe in! Check out this episode to hear more on how Chad and his co-founders built this incredible company and continue finding ways to give back.

Chad Dime Show Notes:

  • (2:17) Garrett and Chad talk about their long history as friends and how their worlds connected

  • (4:42) Chad discusses DIFF Eyewear and its foundation

  • (8:14) Chad tells the story of how DIFF started and their intentions to give-back, starting with giving a pair of reading glasses for every pair of glasses purchased

  • (8:37) Chad discusses the beginnings of giving back and working with Sherry Rigsby of “Eyes On Africa”

  • (11:37) Chad shares how they had to shift as the one-for-one initiative scaled (selling upwards of 500,000 frames per year)

  • (13:22) Chad shares how DIFF created new initiatives to be more sustainable that focus more on empowerment and education

    • Local: Heal The Bay, Food Bank of LA

  • (14:37) The Pouch Program - Chad shares a cool story of meeting Kelsey Sabo, how she helped DIFF create this program, and the impact that it has had on the community 

  •  (19:13) Chad shares how DIFF has affected over 1,000,000 humans since starting their initiatives. 

  • (20:32) Chad tells one of his most impactful stories since the creation of DIFF: we’ll hear about his journey to Uganda to meet the people that make up the Pouch Program and school

  • (25:52) Chad shares some of the tipping points to the business and how Instagram took their business to the next level

    • (29:22) Chad remembers a big moment, when they had their first thousand dollar day as a company

    • (30:12) Teaming up with Joelle Fletcher

  • (31:52) Chad explains the beginnings of DIFF and meeting his partners Zach and Chad

  • (39:52) Chad shares what the festival world has taught him

    • (40:52) Chad’s first experience at Lightning In a Bottle (LIB)

    • (42:22) Garrett shares his first experience at LIB

  • (44:52) Chad shares his first connection with Burning Man

  • (51:10) Chad’s Three Truths

    • 1) Be Impeccable With Your Word (Four Agreements)

    • 2) All or Nothing 

    • 3) Help others (don’t harm)


Connect with Chad:

Instagram: @dimetimee

DIFF: @diffeyewear

Website: www.diffeyewear.com

Project DIFF

#018 The Stories That We Tell


Don’t let them take your joy

Don’t let them take your light

They’ll tell you you’re not good enough

And convince you that they’re right


They’ll tell you that your place

Is in the middle of the line

They’ll really stop at nothing

Just to steal your shine


They’ll make you feel little

They’ll give you fear too

But one day you’ll see

These limitations aren’t for you


These limitations they prescribe

It’s their own that they’re projecting

They may think that they are helping you

But it’s their ego they’re protecting


So release all these beliefs

The ones that they instilled

the stories they accepted

Their dreams that were'n’t fulfilled


Listen to your heart

It’s been put to the test

Listen to that voice inside

The one that knows you best


The voice that has a vision

The voice that sees the plan

The voice that knows your power

The voice that says you can


So step into that light of yours

Shine bright for all to see

A light so bright we can’t deny

The light you’re meant to be


Deep down you know there’s more than this

You have a song to sing

You are the creator of your story

You can do anything


Don’t worry about those people

The ones that gave you fear

All they truly need is love

And your song they need to hear


So lets rewrite that story

Go get up on that stage

Forget the past, forget the future

This is your first page

-Garrett Brill

Show Notes:

  • (00:45) A poem called “Stories”.

  • (03:05) Garrett intros the episode and talks about the stories we tell ourselves and how they can hold us back

  • (05:33) Garrett discusses a study that wanted to see if people believing that they were lucky or unlucky would effect the outcome of winning

    • People who thought they were lucky were winning exponentially more than unlucky people

  • (07:00) “Nothing good ever happens to me”- Garrett brings this up as an example of a limiting belief and how it can manifest differently into our lives

  • (10:05) Garrett talks about how he and Sarafina pay attention to the “shoulds” in their life

    • Changing “shoulds” to “coulds”

    • An exercise from Louise L Hay:

      • 1) List all the things you “should” be doing with your life

      • 2) Ask yourself why you aren’t doing those things

      • 3) If I wanted to I could ___________

  • (13:05) “There are no setbacks, only set-ups” -Dave Meltzer

  • (14:00) Garrett brings up the idea that the voices and negative thoughts in our heads are not us, they are our egos

  • (14:45) Affirmations

    • “Today I will push my comfort zone and experience life in a new way”

    • “Today I release all of my negative stories and excuses that keep me from my greatest version”

  • (18:00) Garrett shares the story that he held onto growing up

    • That something was “wrong” with his lip and how it manifested into different parts of his life

#017 Good for Me, Good for You, Good for Everything it Touches: Demonstrating Right Livelihood with Steve Demos

Steve is the founder of Good Belly Probiotics and White Wave Foods. You may know White Wave by all the non-dairy, plant based “Silk” products that you see all over the place. This episode means so much to me because when I first met Steve in Costa Rica and heard his message of “Right Livelihood” and how he built a business rooted in virtue, I truly wished that everyone could hear his incredible story. When you learn Steve’s story, I think you’ll understand. Our conversation in the jungle was a big reason why I even started this podcast because I came home and tried to explain everything he taught me and my words couldn’t do justice. I remember writing down in my journal everything that I was looking for in a mentor, and just a few days later I was fortunate enough to meet Steve. For me, it was a big confirmation that I had made the right decision to follow my gut and head down to Costa Rica, because I felt what he shared was invaluable. Steve embodies what I look for in a leader. He does what’s right for his people, he does what’s right for his customers, and he does what’s right for the planet.

In this episode, Steve will explain how the Buddhist ideology of “Right Livelihood” gave him a pathway to prove to himself that Capitalism was not as flawed as he had come to believe. He’ll teach us about “Right Livelihood” and expand on how it brought him from living in a cave in India to building a company that was sold for over $300 million. That number is not the point; it’s the biproduct of Steve’s intentions. You need to check out this episode to hear why he did it, how he did it, and what he did to make sure that “Right Livelihood” came full circle for everyone involved. I believe that if everyone instilled this kind of intention into their business, the world would be a better place. I hope you enjoy!

Steve Demos Show Notes:

  • (4:13) Steve discusses the basis of “Getting it Right” through Right Livelihood:

    • “Good for me, good for you, good for everything it touches” - Steve

  • (5:55) Steve explains how he was a product of the 60’s, the collective disdain for capitalism, and how he left America to live in a cave in India without plans of returning

  • (8:40) We learn how Steve found The Eightfold Path and Right Livelihood

  • (9:43) Steve shares his epiphany regarding Right Livelihood and capitalism and how he and his friend were mistaken for “saintly beings” by pilgrims in the forest

  • (10:55) Steve explains why he left the cave in India as a responsibility to demonstrate to himself this new form of capitalism

  • (13:13) We learn what Steve’s product or service would need to be in order to be living by Right Livelihood

  • (13:55) Steve tells us about transitioning back into the states in an Ashram in New Hampshire, and how he began to fall in love with bean curds (tofu)

  • (18:30) Steve dives into a story about doing a 76 day Vipassana course in Santa Barbara, making tofu for the community, and explains how tofu became his idea for a channel to demonstrate Right Livelihood 

    • (20:20) How Steve came up with the logo, the name, and the product line for White Wave

  • (21:32) Steve explains why soy met his criteria to demonstrate Right Livelihood 

    • (22:54) Steve shares some of the concerns people bring up about soy

  • (24:30) We get into the story of how White Wave went from a $500 investment in Kitchen supplies to $300+ million

  • (26:21) We learn the importance of why a business should be “purpose first and business second”

    • Authenticity, honesty and transparency, treating everyone respectfully within the value chain

  • (28:45) Steve explains the elements of “getting it right’ through a tree metaphor

    • The fruit: The product

    • The canopy: The administrative, sales, and accounting team

    • The trunk: the heart (operations)

    • The roots: The spirit, the intention, it comes from a seedling (Right Livelihood)

  • (31:26) Garrett brings up living with intention and being unconventional, and Steve finds irony with this, as he believes and explains that what he’s done would not be considered “unconventional” as it was in harmony with the earth

  • (35:18) Steve gives some advice for the younger generation:

    • Patience and perseverance 

    • Learning by experience via J Krishnamurti

      • Steve calls this experience: Scar Tissue

  • (37:37) Steve dives deeper into his Vipassana experiences and some of the principles

  • (44:20) Steve talks about the tipping point in Vipassana for him

  • (48:40) Steve shares his views on the younger generation’s search for meaning

  • (50:50) We learn Steve’s greatest accomplishments including:

    • 1) “My greatest accomplishment was demonstrating that making a livelihood rooted in virtue is as profitable or more profitable in the world of capitalism, than what I’ll call opportunistic capitalism” 

    • 2) Giving $10 million back to the employees who helped build the company

      • A truck driver received a hefty & unexpected bonus for all the years he put into the company

  • (54:50) Steve explains why doing this would be the only way to bring Right Livelihood full circle

  • (58:50) Steve’s three truths:

    • 1) Transparency

    • 2) Authenticity 

    • 3) Values


Steve Demos:

More on the companies Steve Founded:

White Wave

Good Belly Probiotics


“Good for me, good for you, good for everything it touches”

#016 From Ambition to Meaning: Balancing the Practical & Intuitive Mind with AdaPia D'Errico

What motivates you to keep going? What drives you to succeed? We all have our own reasons and it’s important to have an intimate relationship with these intentions; and not only what these intentions are, but where exactly they are coming from. Along my journey, I met Adapia D’errico, whom we are connecting with today. She is someone I truly admire, for her ability to balance ambition and purpose, logic and intuition, and striving while arriving. As a respected thought-leader, Adapia has co-founded businesses, launched brands and refined industries. From entrepreneur and FinTech executive to mentor and transformational speaker, this woman does it all and she lives what she teaches. In this episode, we’ll discuss some of Adapia’s most meaningful changes in her life; she’ll share some of her practices to get the most out of the left & right side of the brain; and she will tell us the deep lessons she learned from a video featuring her that unexpectedly went viral with over 33 million views (original speech). She reminds us that even when things may seem bad, there is always a hidden gift, if we’re open to receiving it. Adapia helps me to remember to ask the deeper questions and to always find ways to instill meaning into all of life’s experiences- whether that is in a yoga class or in an executive meeting of an investment firm. Adapia is a deep, loving soul, and I’m excited to share our conversation with you.

Show Notes:

  • (3:38) AdaPia discusses instilling meaning into her life

  • (10:15) AdaPia’s relays her first awakening; leaving her “picture perfect” life in Italy and what she’s been doing to help build her awareness

  • (13:37) AdaPia explains the ego: “To create acceptable identity”, the who you are and what the outside expects of you

  • (16:29) AdaPia shares how GoalCast created a video of one of her speeches that ended up going viral

  • (18:54) AdaPia discusses the positives she was able to gather from some of the negativity from the video and how it was an initiation to find a deeper level of strength within herself

  • (20:54) We learn how AdaPia worked through the negative backlash from a video viewed 33 million times

  • (23:31) Garrett chimes in about AdaPia’s video and makes distinctions about it’s impact from an onlooker

  • (29:1135 AdaPia discusses her biggest takeaways from her left and right brain and how she bridges the two

  • (34:50) How does AdaPia bring intention into her investment firm?

  • (37:39) AdaPia shares some of her daily practices (mediation, reflection, journaling, self inquiry)

  • (40:54) AdaPia’s three thruths

    • 1) Be true to myself (what do I feel like doing) / Honoring myself (what do I need?)

    • 2) Be vulnerable (say things that may be uncomfortable)

    • 3) Allow joy

  • (44:29) AdaPia discusses her upcoming book and how we can connect with her

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Connect with AdaPia:

Instagram: @adapiaderrico

Website: www.adapiaderrico.com


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