#018 The Stories That We Tell


Don’t let them take your joy

Don’t let them take your light

They’ll tell you you’re not good enough

And convince you that they’re right


They’ll tell you that your place

Is in the middle of the line

They’ll really stop at nothing

Just to steal your shine


They’ll make you feel little

They’ll give you fear too

But one day you’ll see

These limitations aren’t for you


These limitations they prescribe

It’s their own that they’re projecting

They may think that they are helping you

But it’s their ego they’re protecting


So release all these beliefs

The ones that they instilled

the stories they accepted

Their dreams that were'n’t fulfilled


Listen to your heart

It’s been put to the test

Listen to that voice inside

The one that knows you best


The voice that has a vision

The voice that sees the plan

The voice that knows your power

The voice that says you can


So step into that light of yours

Shine bright for all to see

A light so bright we can’t deny

The light you’re meant to be


Deep down you know there’s more than this

You have a song to sing

You are the creator of your story

You can do anything


Don’t worry about those people

The ones that gave you fear

All they truly need is love

And your song they need to hear


So lets rewrite that story

Go get up on that stage

Forget the past, forget the future

This is your first page

-Garrett Brill

Show Notes:

  • (00:45) A poem called “Stories”.

  • (03:05) Garrett intros the episode and talks about the stories we tell ourselves and how they can hold us back

  • (05:33) Garrett discusses a study that wanted to see if people believing that they were lucky or unlucky would effect the outcome of winning

    • People who thought they were lucky were winning exponentially more than unlucky people

  • (07:00) “Nothing good ever happens to me”- Garrett brings this up as an example of a limiting belief and how it can manifest differently into our lives

  • (10:05) Garrett talks about how he and Sarafina pay attention to the “shoulds” in their life

    • Changing “shoulds” to “coulds”

    • An exercise from Louise L Hay:

      • 1) List all the things you “should” be doing with your life

      • 2) Ask yourself why you aren’t doing those things

      • 3) If I wanted to I could ___________

  • (13:05) “There are no setbacks, only set-ups” -Dave Meltzer

  • (14:00) Garrett brings up the idea that the voices and negative thoughts in our heads are not us, they are our egos

  • (14:45) Affirmations

    • “Today I will push my comfort zone and experience life in a new way”

    • “Today I release all of my negative stories and excuses that keep me from my greatest version”

  • (18:00) Garrett shares the story that he held onto growing up

    • That something was “wrong” with his lip and how it manifested into different parts of his life