#029 Seedpod-cast: A Playful Conversation with Gary Underpants

Catching up with my friend Adam James, aka "Gary Underpants"; you may remember our "Creativity & Vulnerability" discussion from Episode 3. This time we're coming to you from onsite of Envision Festival in Costa Rica, while floating upon a "pool" of giant seedpod "beans" next to the vibey Lapa stage (just to paint a little picture). In this episode, we'll talk about what brought Gary to Envision, as well as some of the magical things we're delving into such as- an amazing partner dancing immersion with Xandy Liberto, role playing, alter egos, and of course, PLAY; something we'd call "Gary Underpants'" specialty.  


Connect with Adam James:

Instagram: @theadamjamesexperience @garyunderpants
Soundcloud: Check out his new song: “Into the Mystic
YouTube: Check out these pipes and his vibe <3